I suck at making big decisions both generally and financially.
An example of the past: before I bought my ebike ive been wondering for TWO YEARS whether I should or not. That is insane, 2 years of overthinking and not enjoying the thing I needed. Now that I have the ebike and think back of it, I had absolutely no reason to wait with the purchase.
An example of right now: I want to get my drivers license but thats very expensive to do in my country. Lessons from a driving school are the only legal way to practise on the road and these cost on average a total of €2500. But even assuming that I'm very well prepared and can spend much less on lessons, lets say a total of €1000, there is still €500 of other costs that I have no influence on. So its gonna be €1500 minimum... And yes, I've been wondering this for 2 years also.
And countless of other moments where I want something but can get stuck in an infinite loop of overthinking because of the price.
All that is a little silly because I can afford all these things without having to borrow money, I'm just afraid of wasting my money when I could instead use that same money on something better in the future.
I think its due to the fact that while money has objective value, things it can buy do not. If I buy food, how will I know whether the value of the taste and nutrients are worth the money? There is no way to know, but for small purchases I can still decide.
Spending is my big anxiety and I feel that its reducing my life quality significantly.